domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014

{Colonia de verano}

Eventos vivir

Niños de 2 (turno mañana) a 13 años
Turno mañana: 9 a 12:30h
Lugar: Círculo Policial, San Lorenzo 60, Olivos
Contacto: Sarmiento 2545
Teléfono: 4799-2302

Capitán Nemo

Niños de 2 a 12 años
Guardia de ingreso: 8:30 a 8:45h
Turno mañana: 9 a 13h
Turno tarde: 14 a 18h
Inscripción: $ 200
Aranceles: medio turno: $ 1.190
Lugar: Círculo Torvador, Av. Del Libertador 1031, Vicente López
Teléfono: 4797-3022, interno 16
Horario: 17:30 - 19:30h

Club Banco Provincia

Niños de 3 a 12 años
Guardia de ingreso: 8h
Turno Mañana: 9 a 13h
Turno Tarde: 14 a 18 h (merienda incluida)
Turno Completo: 9 a 18 h
Lugar: H. Yrigoyen 803, Vicente López
Teléfono: 4797-0569 / 4791-584

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

{Florida Day School ... el colegio que elegimos}


- Juvenilia

Av. Maipú 3863
Horario: l-v 9h-20h y s. 9:30h-14h

Pantalón + buzo, $ 495 (12/2014) y $ 750 (01/16)
Chomba, $ 189 (12/2014) y $ 275 (01/16)
Short, $ 169 (12/2014) y $ 250 (01/16)
Chomba manga larga (no es reglamentario), $ 209 (12/2014) y $ XXX (01/16)
Buzo polar, $ 289 (12/2014) y $ XXX (01/16)
Total (sin chomba manga larga): $ 1.028 (12/2014) y $ X.XXX (01/16)

Se puede cambiar talle con etiqueta y sin uso.
10% en efectivo

- Casa Los Niños

Av. Maipú 1352
Horario: 9h-12:30h y 15h-19h

Pantalón + buzo, $ 390 / $ 420
Chomba, $ 150
Short, $ 140
Buzo polar, $ 190 / $ 250
Total (sin chomba manga larga): $ 791

Se puede cambiar talle con etiqueta y sin uso.

15% de descuento en efectivo.
3 cuotas sin interés con tarjeta de crédito.

- Casa San José

Gral. J. M. Paz 1487 (y Av. San Martín)

No dan precios por teléfono.

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

{Birthday Party Planning 101}

Birthday parties are like road trips: getting there is half the fun. Deciding on the theme, decorations, and activities makes the days leading up to the event seem like part of the celebration itself. It needn't be elaborate -- kids will be happy with a small party as long as they are made to feel special. Even a simple party requires planning; the sooner you start organizing, the earlier the excitement begins and the fewer details you'll have to work out on the day itself.

The birthday child will likely have ideas about the kind of party he wants, so involve him in the planning. Let your child pick the theme, help you with shopping and decorating, and take part in baking the cake. Doing so helps spread out the anticipation; that way the focus isn't on a couple of hours of a single day.

Although it might be more efficient to do it all yourself, there's pleasure in working with your child toward an important goal. Plus, he'll have the reward of enjoying with his friends the magical day he helped plan. (Print our planner and work on filling it out together.)

Pre-Party Timeline


Choose the theme, draw up the guest list, confirm the date with your child's best friend, and reserve off-site space.


Write out invitations; get updated class list; and decide on games, activities, and food.


Mail invitations, purchase party goods, start homemade decorations and favors, and arrange for extra help, if needed.


Purchase crafts supplies and favors, draw up a schedule of activities, make samples of planned crafts, and call guests who have not yet responded.


Buy food.


Bake the cake, decorate your home or be sure off-site supplies are gathered, and prepare make-ahead foods.

The Guest List


Make sure your child's best friend is free before you set the date. When including classmates, think "all" -- all the kids, all the boys, or all the girls -- if you want to avoid hurt feelings.


If you're not inviting lots of classmates, the rule of thumb is to ask as many kids as your child's age plus one. But take into account the activities you're planning. A larger, even number of kids -- at least eight or 10 -- may be best for team games at a 5-year-old's party, but you may want just three guests for a 7-year-old's sleepover.


Mail invitations three weeks before the party. Even if your child's school permits distribution of invitations on the premises (many don't unless the whole class is included), it's better not to. That way, children who aren't invited are less likely to feel slighted.

1. Include the date, location (with directions), drop-off and pick-up times, and R.S.V.P. information.
2. Spell out anything to bring, such as a swimsuit and towel.
3. Say if you'll be serving lunch or dinner.
4. Mention specific entertainment, such as a movie.
5. Call parents who have not responded the week before the party; after all, invitations do get lost.

Enlisting Helpers

You can't greet guests while supervising a game or cut the cake while pouring drinks, so figure on having one helper for every four to six children. Ask other parents ahead of time, or hire a babysitter or older sibling to help.

Where to Have It


At an at-home party, the birthday child's on his own turf, and you know where to find everything. To keep kids from wandering around, define the party area with balloons and streamers, and close doors to other rooms.


Parks are great for warm-weather parties; just be sure to have a backup plan in case of rain.

1. Suspend streamers or paper festooning between trees or along a fence.
2. Spread colorful sheets or blankets on the ground.
3. Mark the party's boundaries and blanket corners with clusters of bright balloons tied to thin wooden dowels stuck in the ground.
4. Draping fabric over a tall fence or over a clothesline provides an attractive backdrop for party photos.


Prices vary according to locale, but generally run about $75 at a community center or $100 at a Y, with an hour for swimming. Book at least six weeks in advance, and get the name of a contact person.

1. You may only have a short time to decorate a rented space, so use portable decorations and plan for another adult or two to help you.
2. Have all the balloons already blown up and strung together in bunches before you arrive at the site.
3. Hang decorations with supplies that won't mar the walls, such as low-tack tape, string, and removable self-adhesive hooks.
4. Make a large room friendlier: Use streamers to define the party area.
5. You can also outline the space with balloons tied to anchors.

When to Have It


Schedule parties for young children when they will be at their best, neither too sleepy nor too hungry. After nap time works well for toddlers; lunchtime is good for preschoolers. As kids grow older, timing becomes a less important factor.


Don't feel like you have to entertain for hours. Toddlers and preschoolers do best with parties kept to an hour and a half. Anywhere from two to three hours is time enough for school-age kids.

Party Basics at a Glance

- AGES 1 TO 2

Time of Day: After Nap Time
Duration: 1 Hour
Number of Guests: Varies

- AGES 3 TO 4

Time of Day: Lunchtime or Late Afternoon
Duration: 1 to 1 1/2 hours
Number of Guests: 4 to 5 Children

- AGES 5 TO 6

Time of Day: Early to Mid-Afternoon
Duration: 1 1/2 to 2 Hours
Number of Guests: 6 to 7 Hours

- AGES 7 TO 8

Time of Day: Early to Mid-Afternoon
Duration: 2 to 2 1/2 Hours
Number of Guests: 8 to 9 Children

- AGES 9 TO 10

Time of Day: Mid- to Late Afternoon
Duration: 2 1/2 to 3 Hours
Number of Guests: 10 to 11 Children

What to Serve

Baking and decorating your child's birthday cake (or cupcakes) is worth the effort. Spend time on that, and choose other foods that are easy to serve, eat, and clean up. That said, even simple food can seem special. Here are some ideas:

1. Cut sandwiches into cute shapes using cookie cutters (cut crusts off first); or use a knife to cut them up into pieces like a puzzle.
2. Serve snacks in creative containers. Somehow, hot dogs are more appealing served in paper boats, just like at the movies. For a fishing-themed party, kids will get a kick out of being served punch from a fishbowl.
3. Turn lunch into an activity. Let kids top English-muffin pizzas. Show them how to make faces with sliced-olive eyes, a pepperoni nose, and bell-pepper mouth.

Choosing Favors

Trinkets and candy are popular and inexpensive favors. If you prefer, you can give out a single more substantial favor, such as a board book for toddlers or a small flashlight for older kids.

1. Match the goodies to the theme: You might give a teacup for a tea party, an action figure for a character party, or flowerpot and seeds for a garden party.
2. Let kids make their own party favors -- a potato-print T-shirt, for example -- as one of the activities.
3. Decorate with items that guests can take with them when the party is done, such as posters or pennants for a baseball party.
4. Arrange with the entertainer to use props or supplies -- individual face-painting kits or magic tricks, for instance -- that kids can then take home with them.

What to Do

Pacing is important. It's helpful to divide the party into 10- to 15-minute increments, with a new activity for each block of time. Allot about 30 minutes for an entertainer (or kids may lose interest), and 15 minutes each for lunch, cake, and opening gifts. If a game or craft isn't going well, drop it and move on; if kids enjoy a particular game, let it run longer than planned. To keep the party moving, jot down the schedule on an index card, and then refer to it frequently.

1. As kids arrive, you might usher them to a crafts table, where they can busy themselves until more guests arrive.
2. Keep games and activities simple for toddlers: Stick to games they know well or activities without complicated rules (such as dancing or tag).
3. Older kids need more stimulation: plan sports or organized activities based on what your child loves to do, or consider booking an entertainer.

Hiring an Entertainer

Gather references from other parents as well as children's museums or local libraries. When you call a potential entertainer, ask what age group the show is designed for before you mention your child's age. While magicians and clowns are classic for kids' parties, there are lots of other kid-pleasing options:

1. Balloon artists (their creations double as party favors)
2. Mobile petting zoos
3. Hairstylists or manicurists (call a local beauty school for suggestions)
4. Choreographers or dance teachers 5. Face painters
6. Professional storytellers
7. Deejays

Games Galore


Tweak tried-and-true favorites to match the party theme. Simon Says becomes Fairy Godmother Says for a princess party, Musical Chairs is Musical Towels for a swim party, and Pin the Tail on the Donkey can be Pin the Trunk on the Elephant for a jungle theme.


At "go," the first child in each of two teams balances a hard-boiled egg on a spoon, walks about five feet to a marker, returns, and passes the egg and spoon to the next in line. The first team to finish with an uncracked shell wins.


Kids follow the first clue ("Go to the TV") to find the next clue ("Look inside the mailbox"), and so on, until the last clue reveals the treasure: goodie bags. For nonreaders, draw or photograph the clues (such as the refrigerator or car).


Guests go through a series of challenges set up in the backyard: walking along a two-by-four, hopping a figure eight around two chairs, crawling under the length of a picnic table, doing a wheelbarrow walk between two markers, and so on.


Two shopping bags of clothes contain a skirt, shirt, hat, gloves, and jewelry. The first kid in each team puts on every item (fastening all the buttons), then takes them off and returns them to the bag. Then it's the next child's turn. The first team to finish wins.

Gifts Now or Later?

There are good reasons to open presents during the party, and just as many reasons to wait until afterward. Some kids love seeing their gift being unwrapped, especially if they picked it out. So guests don't get bored, put names in a hat; the one that's chosen is the child whose present gets opened next. Kids can forget their manners in the excitement, so help your child practice her thank-yous beforehand. It may be less chaotic, particularly for young kids, if your child opens his gifts after the party. In that case, snap a photo of her with each gift and send it with the thank-you.

A Proper Good-Bye

Have the birthday child personally say thank-you and good-bye to each guest at the door, and hand them a favor bag as they leave.

{Planning Kids' Birthday Parties}

Some children's birthday parties rival three-ring circuses. But the truth is, kids are very happy with a simple party, as long as it's planned with their needs and tastes in mind. Follow these tips, and throw a party that is fun for everyone, even the adults.

Involve Your Child in the Party Planning

Your child should help choose the party's theme and activities, and can even help design the invitations: Have him or her draw on paper (or a blank puzzle) and color in the designs, cut out pictures to glue onto blank invitations, or put stickers on cards.

Choose a Unifying Theme

Once you've chosen a theme, make it resonate through all the aspects of the party. For instance, a trip to the aquarium could include fish-shaped invitations, aquatic-themed goody bags, and nametags attached to iced fish-shaped cookies.

Keep It Short and Structured

Two hours is plenty of time for a children's party. Keep kids busy from arrival to departure; the main event should begin as soon as most of the guests have arrived. Serve food and cake in the final half-hour. The natural ending of a party is signaled when the younger children grow tired or cranky.

Plan Age-Appropriate Activities

Toddlers are too young for complicated activities. Stick with familiar games, such as Pin the Tail on the Donkey, or perhaps plan a treasure hunt. Children over 5 years old need more stimulation: Consider hiring a magician or dance teacher, or plan a trip to a nearby bowling alley or miniature golf course.

Entertain Kids with Simple Projects

Kids love to be creative at parties. Have them decorate their own cupcakes, or set up one of these simple activities: Fill buckets with crayons, rubber stamps, stencils, and stickers to decorate scrapbooks; provide shells, pinecones, and buttons to adorn plain picture frames; or help the kids make sock-puppets and put on a puppet show.

Keep the Food Simple and Fun

Use cookie cutters to make flower- or star-shaped sandwiches and to turn Jell-O into letters of the alphabet. Older children can make their own English-muffin pizzas. Serve foods that don't require cutting and are easily grasped by small hands. To keep kids busy while they're waiting to eat, cover the table with paper and place flowerpots filled with crayons all around.

Birthday-Cake strategies

Once the cake is cut, serve younger children first, since they're most in need of instant gratification. Cupcakes are a great option because they allow all the kids to get served at once; give cupcakes the drama of a cake by bringing them out on a tray, each with its own candle.

Birthday Gifts: To Open or Not to Open

Two factors will contribute to your decision on whether to open gifts in front of the guests: the ages of the children and the size of the party. For younger children, it's safest to wait until the party's over; although it is fun for everyone to see what's beneath all the wrapping paper, trouble may ensue when a guest decides the birthday boy has received enough presents already -- and decides to keep the one he brought for himself. An exception could be made for a very small party (fewer gifts, fewer opportunities for meltdown). Older kids generally understand that the day belongs to the birthday child, so unless the sheer number of presents makes it impractical, opening gifts just before the end of the party can be a nice way to wrap up the day's entertainment.

Make Guests Feel Special with Goody Bags

Consider including healthy snacks, stickers, small books, and containers of bubbles in the goody bags. Be sure whatever you choose is age-appropriate and safe for children. For creative containers, use Chinese-food takeout cartons, small flowerpots or baskets, or paper bags threaded and tied with ribbon at the top. Write the kids' names on their goody bags to make them feel even more special.

Do You Know?

As a rule of thumb, invite as many kids to a party as the birthday child's age.

{Cotillón, repostería, ideas y algo más ...}

Dirección: Maipú 3085, Olivos
Teléfono: 4794-1850
Horarios: lun-vie: 9:30h-13:30h y 15:30h-20h y sáb: 10h-14h

Royal Parties

Party Place

Amapola Bazar
Caballito / Almagro

Doña Clara

Mi casita
Dirección: Av. Maipú 723, Vicente López
Teléfono: 4797-6688
Horarios: lun-vie: 9h-20h y sáb: 9h-13:30h

Dirección: Albarellos 1958, Martínez
Teléfono: 4793-1250

EOS cotillón

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

{Cumple de Fran, 2 años}

Fechasábado 15/11
Hora12h / 19h
LugarRecreo de Barrancas, Sebastián El Cano 660, frente a la estación Las Barrancas, del tren de la Costa. Hacer mapa y decorar la puerta de la entrada.
TemáticaPocoyó (hacer uno gigante para la puerta; buscar imprenta)



1) Entrada
2) Plato principal
3) Video (imágenes y movimiento)
4) Feliz cumpleaños + Brindis
5) Piñata
6) Torta Pocoyó
7) Mesa de dulces
8) Candy bar
9) Souvenir


- Dips + pan L'epi (Crámer 2439) / La Juvenil + Finger food + Tabla de quesos y fiambres

Copetin - Catering - Festejos

Dip de cebolla y queso Pategrás
Cebollas caramelizadas
- Appetizzers
Tarta de puerro

Tabla de quesos y fiambres
Calculador de cantidades

- Lomo + Colita de cuadril + Bondiola de cerdo
- Pan L'epi

- Salsas

Mostaza + miel + aceite de oliva
Salsa Coleslaw para la bondiola


Mesa de dulces

Candy bar


Tutorial árbol / topiario de bon o bon

Papel para envolver bombones
Party Place
Plancha de 40 cm x 40 cm
$ 39.90

Papel metalizado para bombones y chocolates (papel chumbo)
Medidas: 8 cm x 8 cm
Cantidad: 50 unidades
Precio: $ 23

Papel Chumbo

Papel Chumbo

Lentejas de chocolate
Party Place
500 g: $ 76


Mesa de golosinas
Incluye 5 golosinas personalizadas en las siguientes 9 variedades:
- Galletita Rellena (Tita / Rhodesia)
- Bombón Marroc
- Pastillas de Colores
- Paragüitas
- Bombones Bon o Bon
- Chupetin Pico Dulce
- Rollo de Gomitas
- Bocaditos de Dulce de Leche
- Obleas Rellenas
Etiquetas para los recipientes.
NO incluye Recipientes ni armado en el lugar del evento.
Cantidad Mínima: 100 invitados.
$ 44 p/persona

Paletas artesanales

Plato Playo Rectangular     Dimensiones 29.5 x 21.5 cm
Platos rectangulares: Potiers Home
Tamaño: 29,5 cm x 21,5 cm.
Color: blanco
$ 98



Tubo de vidrio con relleno de confites frutales con forma de corazón
Interior personalizado con texto a elección + 1 etiqueta nombre + 1 Eeiqueta de tipo de evento
Medidas: 1,5 cm diámetro x 15,5 cm de alto.
$ 38,10

Les dejo las instrucciones y materiales:
Maceta decorada de 10/12 cm
Esfera de telgopor número 8 en adelante. (Yo las hice con bolas de 8 y 10 cm.)
Palillos escarbadientes
Gomitas. las mejores son las clásicas con forma de cono pero también hice una con gomitas de corazón y quedó lindo.
Sorbete y palitos de brochete, varilla de madera o una rama de arból del tamaño apropiado para hacer el tronquito.
Material de fijación para rellenar la maceta: podes usar arena y un círculo de telgopor o yeso de secado rápido.
Musgo o viruta de madera pintada para terminar.

Tomá la esfera de telgopor y traza dos círculos guía dividiendo la esfera horizontal y verticalmente. Aplica caramelos primero en la línea de esos dos círculos para estimar cuantas líneas de caramelos vas a necesitar.

2. Para aplicar los caramelos, corta un palillo escarbadientes al medio e insertalo en la base de la gomita, utilizando el extremo afilado del palillo para clavar en la esfera. En el caso de los marshmallows, use los de corazón. Cortalos al medio porque de cada uno te salen dos corazones ya que son largos. Una vez cortado, ponele por detrás el medio escarbabiente y clavalo en la esfera. Tene en cuenta que el marshmallow es blando por lo que vas a tener que hacer presión con la yema de tu dedo para que el escarbadiente no traspase el caramelo y quede sujeto.

3. Una vez que los tenes ubicados, comenza a trazar círculos de caramelos desde arriba y completando toda una vuelta a la esfera. Continua hasta completar toda la esfera.

4. Una vez completa, armá el árbol usando una pajita rellena con palitos de brochete (yo le puse 3 palitos dentro y la forre con cinta), una varilla de madera o un tronquito de árbol real del tamaño apropiado.

5. Para darle sustento en la maceta, podes poner ponerle yeso de secado rápido o bien arena y arriba, un círculo de telgopor de 1 cm o más de espesor encajado en la boca de la maceta y allí clavas el palito del árbol.
6. Terminala poniendole musgo, viruta de papel, tul o tiritas de colores de papel celofan para cubrir el contenido de la maceta y envolviendo la esfera de caramelos con papel celofán transparente

Maceta pintada en blanco con papel de seda en verde y flores de galletita cubiertas de baño de azúcar
Medida meceta: 10 cm diámetro superior x 10 cm. de alto
Precio: $ 269,40

Mayorista de golosinas

Candy Cover Eventos

Galletitas de óreo
Detalle de Candy Cover (ver presupuesto)

Pluie de confettis

l Candy Bar incluye:

10 Envoltorios para Yapas. Personalizados!
10 Envoltorios para Marrocs. Personalizados!
10 Envoltorios para chocolatines Georgalos. Personalizados!
10 Stikers cuadradas. Personalizadas! Para alfajores, chocolates, frascos, etc
6 Etiquetas autoadhesivas para pegar en frascos
20 Toppers personalizados para pinchar en golosinas
10 Identificadores para exponer los nombres de las golosinas
10Tag redondas/flor personalizadas, para pegar o colgar en chupetines, monedas de chocolate, etc
20 Pinches banderita
8 Pochocleras blancas
50 Portacupcakes
1 Cono soporte de tergopol para chupetines o pirulines
1 Base rectangular de tergopol forrada para chupetines o pirulines
1 Centro de mesa molinete
5 mts de cinta de raso finita
8 platos chicos
6 individuales para decorar la mesa
1 Afiche

Base rectangular de telgopor forrada en blanco para exponer chupetines
Tamaño 15cm x 20cm
$ 21,70

Cono de tergopol para exponer chupetines, pirulines o hacer árboles de caramelos
Altura: 20 cm.
Base: 10cm de diámetro
$ 21,40


Cupcakes topper

12 Pocoyo Birthday Party Cupcake Cake Toppers

Disney's frozen inspired Cupcake Toppers. Toy Story, Pocoyo, Sophia, Lion King

Torre porta-cupcakes

$ 90 (se podrían pintar cada piso con un color de Pocoyó)

$ 150

$ 100
Porta-torta de madera
(para tortas, cakepops, macarons)
Medidas del plato: 30cm
Altura: 13cm

$ 150
Torre porta-cupcakes de madera
(para cupcakes, magdalenas, muffins, masas, petit fours)
Platos de 25cm, 30cm y 34cm
Altura total 25cm

Pocoyo Cupcake stand



Palitos para cake pops
$ 88

Para apoyar cake-pop (papel madera)
Palitos Plasticos Para Chupetin De Chocolate Y Pop Cakes


Cake topper

$ 160 + $ 85 de envío

$ 280

cake topper guirlande de fanion

diy cake topper


Globo Metalizado Pocoyo Cotillon Decoracion Fiesta
Globo para usar de piñata
Medidas: 30 cm
$ 36

$ 100 (la base sin imagen ni decoración, $ 50)



Guirnaldas con las imágenes HD de Pocoyó y los amigos

Mushroom Garland

Happy birthday banner

Painted word party banner

DIY Tissue Tassel Garland

Tissue Paper Banner Tutorial








Easy DIY Polka-dot Garland Tutorial - Easy Paper Polka-dot Garland Tutorial -

Sewn paper garland

Sewn paper garland (no está el DIY)

Tassel Garland (2)
(Banderines o esto para el frente de la mesa del candy)



Chevron Circle Garland (1)





vasos de acrílico
Vasos de acrílico: Potiers Home
Color: blanco
$ 22

Vasos y bombillas de papel

$ 36,20 x 8 unidades

$ 34 x 8 unidades

$ 35,20 x 12 unidades
Vasos Plásticos Cuadrados Por 12 Unidades
12 unidades $ 65


Platos Plásticos Cuadrados Por 12 Unidades
12 unidades $ 90


Consultar igual página

Cubiertos de madera

Cucharas de madera de 14cm. de largo
(producto importado)
10u: $ 78

Cucharas de madera con motas rojas de 14cm. de largo
(producto importado)
10u: $ 78

Tenedores de madera de 14cm. de largo
(producto importado)
10u: $ 78

Tenedores de madera con motas rojas de 14cm. de largo
(producto importado)
10u: $ 78

Cucharas de plástico azules tamaño té
10u, $ 13

Cucharas de plástico amarillas tamaño té
10u, $ 13

Cucharas de plástico rojas tamaño té
10u, $ 13

Cucharas de plástico verde manzana tamaño té
10u, $ 13



Bag con diseño y manijas de cinta de raso.
Los rellenos vienen presentados en paquetito de tul.
Medidas: 7 cm ancho x 2,7 cm profundidad x 10 cm de alto.
Seleccione el diseño, el color del mismo y el relleno deseado.
Cantidad Mínima: 30 unidades.
Tip: También pueden llevar golosinas personalizadas!
$ 21,10

$ 46
Bolsitas de papel con manijas
Tamaño 14 x 20 cm y base de 8 x 14cm.

Bolsita para golosinas Pocoyo 10u
$ 14,20

Printable Geometric Gift Bags | Oh Happy Day!
Inspired POCOYO  Treat Goodie Favor Bag -Gift - Sturdy Handle Bag- Set of 12 party birthday

Bolsas Personalizadas Para Souvenirs - Pack De 10 Unidades 
10 bolsas personalizadas
$ 50
Que la tira sea como en las de Mi villano favorito 2


10 souvenir con golosinas (10 caramelos + 1 chupetín + 1 chocolatín)
Medida: 20 cm de largo
$ 200

Cajita souvenir de torta
(caja + cinta + cuchara + tag personalizado]
$ 17.80

Decoración mesas

Pocoyo Dessert cup - Jelly Cup - Party Cup Pocoyo Set of 10



48 cm.
$ 48

- Mesas

Centros de mesa
$ 35 cada uno
Realizados con maceta de terracota nro. 7 y papel de seda.
Los personajes con nombre son impresos con opalina lisa.
Altura: 27 cm.
 Encargar con 15 días de anticipación.

Decoración fiesta de Peppa la Cerdita


Vasos Con Lunares, Plasticos Descartables!!!!
$ 32, por 10 unidades

$ 19,90

- Pajitas para los vasos con imagen de Pocoyó

- Flores: gerberas amarillas y rojas, los colores de pocoyó

- Globos metalizados

Globo Metalizado Pocoyo Cotillon Decoracion Fiesta
$ 20

Globo Metalizado Pocoyo Cotillon Decoracion Fiesta

33 cm. de altura
$ 45

$ 499

Cotillón Combo Pocoyo P/10/20/30/40 Niños


- Plaza blanda al lado de los juegos
- Para los chicos más grandes?
- Inflable
- Metegol




Carta leída

Ropa Fran (pantalón verde H&M)

Ropa Mami (vestido Banana Republic + sandalias Nine West + aros coral Aldo + Pulseras beige Aldo